Advanced Configuration

Listed below are the umap-specific options which may be used when configuring your build directory with cmake. Some CMake-specific options have also been added to show how to make additional changes to the build configuration.


Here is a summary of the configuration options, their default value, and meaning:

These arguments are explained in more detail below:

  • ENABLE_LOGGING This option enables usage of Logging services for umap. When this support is enabled, you may cause umap library to emit log files by setting the UMAP_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to “INFO” (for information-only logs), “WARNING” (for warning info logs), “ERROR” for (for errors only logs), and “DEBUG” for all debug messages to be emitted to a log file.

  • ENABLE_DISPLAY_STATS When this option is turned on, the umap library will display its runtime statistics before unmap() completes.

  • ENABLE_TESTS This option enables the compilation of the programs under the tests directory of the umap source code.

  • ENABLE_TESTS_LINK_STATIC_UMAP This option enables the compilation of the programs under the tests directory of the umap source code against static umap library.